Saturday, May 16, 2009

Reduce stomac can make better health

you're maybe tired of hearing and reading common advices such
as, eat right, exercise regularly and the like, in order to lose
that belly fat. Well, in actual fact, the abovementioned clichéd
advices are effective, but there is one thing that is considered
the most efficient of all – boosting ones metabolism.Read more

Excess weight invites disability, disease and death

Obesity is a state in which there is generalised accumulation of
excess fat in the body leading to a body weight of more than 20%
of the required weight. Obesity invites disability, disease and
premature death. Usually obesity is due to positive energy
balance. That is the intake of calories is more than the
expenditure of calories. It is one of the most common disorders
in medical practice and among the most frustrating.Read more